I know I am alittle late but, better late than never right!
Our Christmas was pretty good. The week before Christmas my sister Shannon, my brother Nate and my parents came down and we all went to the play The Forgotten Carols, by Micheal Mclean. It was awesome. He is a very talented man and I could listen the his music all day long. This year we spent Christmas with Darrell's family. It was fun. We were able to go snowmobiling. It was my first time and other then the times that I go stuck it was pretty fun. Darrell loved it though. He grew up on snowmoblies and he has not been on one since we got married so he was pretty excited about it! We hung out in Logan for a week. On new years all of my sibilings went over to my sister Rachel's house and we played games and just had fun together. We also got to meet my brother's girlfriend. It was very fun to hang out with everyone! That probably won't happen again for quite a while considering we don't all live in the same state. My brother Keith and his wife are moving to Virginia and Nate is still in Tuscon.
Highlights of 2008
2008 was a good year, for the most part. The best part about it was all of the traveling we did over the spring and summer. We made a trip down to lagoona beach for a wedding, we went to Bosie for my cousins mission homecoming, we went up to Logan and went waterskiing acouple of times. We went to Boulder Mountain where we went and hikes slot canyons, we went into capitol reaf national park, and did other fun hikes. The week before that I had a surgery and so that put a damper on some of the things that Icould do on that trip but it was still fun. In June we went to Havasupai, AZ. It was a backpacking trip. I would recommend it to anyone. The hiking 10 miles, carring all your supplies was well worth seeing the falls, they were awesome! Then came our house project. Once we started the house all of our travels came to an abrupt halt. After fighting with the mortgage company we were finially able to move right before Thanksgiving. That is about all for our 2008! We are looking forward to a new year.Here are a few picture from some of our trips. 
Bottom of Mooney Falls

The first night we slept outside in the parking lot at the entrance of the hike down in. We had been told that is was suppose to be hot while we were there so we didn't bring our sleeping backs, we just brought fleece sleeping bags that are as thick as a normal blanket. That night it was so windy, rainy, and cold. There were 4 of us and we all cramed in to my dad's Honda and tried to sleep. We got about 2 hours of sleep (tops). The above picture is darrell trying to sleep alittle bit more before out 10 mile hike in.

Me jumping off a waterfall
Havasupai Az,

Lagoona Beach, CA
I believe this was in Capitol Reaf Nat. Park.

Demolition derby in Delta
Slot canyons near Escalante
1 comment:
I was so sad we didn't get to spend more time with you two over Christmas, or I guess me with you. The boys got to play. We're trying to figure out what our plan is with getting sealed. Conference is the first weekend in April which would be when Emry would be getting blessed so we have to talk to our Bishop and see if he wants us to wait till June to get him blessed or plan it for the week after Conference. We want to do the blessing and sealing in the same weekend so everyone will get to come to both. So we have no clue yet.
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