It Snowed in St George!

Actually it has been snowing for days. I just don't have anything else to write about, so snow it is. St George people are crazy. 2 days ago Darrell showed up to work and they told everyone that because of the snow that they weren't going to work that day so he came home. I guess the only work they had at the shop was rough ins and thats when you do all the under ground plumbing before the framing is put up in new construction homes. I guess his boss didn't want all of his employees to freeze.

This morning I got up with Darrell before he went to work and we were listening to the radio and sure enough all schools in Washington county are CLOSED today!! We have, maybe, 2 inches of snow on the ground. People here would never survive in Cache valley or anywhere in northern Utah for that matter. I do have to admit I have also adapted to warm weather but, I still welcome the snow one or two days a year down here. The weird thing is that Bandit hasn't wanted to be outside playing in the snow! Every time we take him outside he just sit by the door and waits for us to let him back in. You'd think for an Alaskan Malamute that he would be thrilled to pieces that it is snowing!

My poor tree. It looks pretty sad this morning. It is definately sagging from the weight of all the snow. Hopefully all my new plant survive the cold.
1 comment:
It's true. No one here knows what to do in the snow. It's like they are all in shock! Kinda funny.
P.S. Thanks for the cinnamon rolls. They were delicious!
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