Since we were planning on moving today I had packed up most of the food in our kitchen except for a few things so, when it came to dinner last night we really didn't have much food to choose from. I decided to make German Pancakes, which I had never made before. I pulled out my cookbook, followed it to a tee. Well, this is how it turned out. I 2 pictures of it to try and show everyone how high the edges actually were. In fact it was so high that the right edge was actually touching the burner on the inner top of the stove. Is that normal? If I would have left that it there much longer it probably would have caught on fire. It made me laugh so I thought that I'd share it with ya'll. oh and it did actually taste alright, it was alittle satlier than I would perfer, but it was ok.
That is funny!
Okay being Prego and seeing that picture didn't mix!! haha I have no clue how to make them so I dunno if it's right in anyway but I'm glad you laughed cuz i would have been soooo entirely frustrated. Mabye that's why I'm boycotting cooking while pregnant?? How was the week with the parents there?
Do you mean Darrell's parents? They have not been here.
Haha! I see what you were talking about! They definitely grew in your oven!
Love those kinds of moments! Makes you feel all special. lol.
Once, I remember making a flaming cake. I thought melted marshmallows would taste good on it. However, it turned out that broiling them wasn't the best thing.
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