This weekend we stayed at my sister's house in Highland because Darrell's test was in Orem. On Saturday we were going to go to Wyoming and stay with Darrell's brother's and then go to their baby's blessing on Sunday. Unfortunately, we ended up not going due to concerns about a winter storm. This morning they were actually requiring chains on all vehicle through one of the canyons we were suppose to go through to get to Rock Springs so, I guess it was best that we didn't go. Before we left my sister's house to head back home, Darrell was playing with my nephew Brigham. It was too cute, I couldn't help but take some pictures. Good pictures of Brigham are pretty hard to get because he won't hold still long enough to take the picture but I thought that I got a few good ones.

He loves cars! I thought he would end up loving princesses and barbies and all those girls things because his spends all day with his big sister and she is definately a girly girl!
In the bottom 2 pictures Darrell had been swinging and throwing Brigham up in the air and they were both having a blast! It was pretty dang cute!
Aren't they cute???????!!!!
That one of Darrell and him in sepia...second from the end is priceless! It is so cute!! They all are. You need to teach me how to take pictures, you're good at it!
well, the trick is, other than a nice camera, to take ALOT of pictures especially with kids they move to much to try and take just one, you take alot and your bound to take a few goods ones, along with many many ones that you delete!
I just wanted to add to what Rachel said...You've taken some really nice shots...Well done!
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