This past weekend we took a little roadtrip up to Idaho for my cousins sealing. We split the trip up and stayed in Logan Friday and just drove up to Rexburg during the day and back to Logan Saturday night. They got sealed in the Rexburg Temple. It is a really pretty temple both inside and out, of course all temples are. We got to visit with my extended family for awhile, which we do not see very often so that was cool. On our way back to Logan we stoped off at the Idaho Falls temple and took some pictures of it. My parents, darrell parents, and I believe some of his brothers all got sealed in this temple.

Unforunately we didn't have time to go in and do a session or anything we just went into the visitors center for alittle while and then took the pics and headed south. I did go in acouple years ago when one of darrell's cousins got sealed to her little family.

My mom read somewhere that the average LDS temple attender goes into 3 different temples throughout their life.
Of course the numbers would be different here in utah where all you have to do is drive down I15 and you can see at leat 10 of them, the other 4 or so you have to drive a ways to get to. I asked darrell how many temples he had done work in and he said that he had been to 12. I have been to St. George, which was the first one I had ever been to, Manti, Timpanogas, Logan, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, and the Salt Lake temple. I have been on the temple grounds of many more but those are the only ones that I have been in. I know that, as long as darrell's work permits, in june my cousin is getting Sealed in the Boise temple so I will get to go there and then where ever my brother Nate gets married, either Utah, Arizona, or florida, I may get to go to a new temple then!
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