Monday, February 9, 2009


This weekend was a pretty good weekend. Friday afternoon we went to go buy some food at the grocery store and ran into an old friend of ours who is in a band and was playing that night at a local bar. We did not have anything at all planned for the weekend, as usual, so we went. It was actually the first time I have ever been in a bar. At the new year they banned smoking in bars, so that was nice that we didn't have to breath in that stuff the whole night. As for the band, they are actually pretty good. The band name is The Closure, I believe. Drunk people really do make fools of themselves. The later the night got the more people triped and stumbled while they dance, slurred their speach and all in all made fools out of themselves. It was kind of funny. Thank goodness I was raised with the gospel and don't live that kind of lifestyle.

Saturday we went hiking up in the hills above St George. Here are some pictures of that.

It was a pretty cloudy day. It actually started to rain alittle while we were there. We left shortly after that
Us! This picture was actually really hard to take because we had to put the timer on the camera and then on of us had to climb back up into this hole we were in within 10 seconds, and we had to get Bandit to sit still that long! Almost impossible!!

And Darrell..... of course, climbing up a cliff! At least it wasn't a 75-100 foot one of however tall the one he fell off was! I actually did try and climb this one, I got about half way up and the found I wasn't tall enough to put my feet in the next foot hold so I climbed back down, with darrell telling me where to put my feet.


Beth at Aunties said...

They do make fools of themselves. I am glad we know how to have good clean fun. The picture of the temple is beautiful!

I hope you are doing well! I love you!

Aunt cheryl

CallisterCatch said...

Wow! That picture of the temple looks way good practically professional. Thanks for all your help the past week. I hope all is well.

Annie and Zeke Smyth said...

Look at your dog! He is gorgeous!